Why yes I a

m still knitting. I just have not had anything to report until now. I am currently only knitting one project although I should probably start something else - perhaps some socks. I am knitting another Shetland shawl. This time I am knitting in lace weight and let me just say that I feel like I am knitting with floss. I really love the emerald color. I had only 1 ball and although I thought that would be enough being that it is 470 yards....I don't think it will work out. So I went on
Ravelry and found someone who was selling a skein. Tomorrow I will pop the money and the mail and hopefully my yarn will arrive soon there after. Let's hope I can get this done as it is a gift. I love how this is looking although I think I prefer a heavier weight yarn like I used for mine.
I did some sewing a few weeks ago to for my MIL and SIL's birthdays. I

had some dried lavender that I used as a filling. I did 3 each and made each one different. Cu

pcakes, Chocolate bars, houses, presents, truffles, and M & M's. I appliqued them. It didn't take too long, although there were lots of little pieces. I am happy how they came out - the house and chocolate truffle stand are my favorite.
Not much else going on around here. Oh wait....we are looking to buy a house! That is exciting news!!! Wish us luck. Hope Spring has sprung where you are. We are having a very wet April.
Oops I forgot to post a picture of some baby booties on an actual baby...Aren't they sweet?