Wednesday, November 5, 2008


French Macarons (filled with ganache): A first time for me and a first time for our country. Obama won the popular vote at 53% and he also won the electoral college with 349 electoral votes. He is a man of the people, for the people. Many thanks to those of you who got out and voted. It was an honor to be here in Ohio when it finally turned BLUE!!! I am so glad I got to be apart of this amazing history. Never have I lived in a state where my vote made a difference and now it has happened. That is right, I am living in another BLUE state!!! GO OBAMA, rock the house!


SissySees said...

Blue food always seems so wrong to me, but those sound and look good...

andrea said...

I immediately thought of you when I heard Ohio went blue! Your vote DID count!

Anonymous said...

Hi! Are those a macaron recipie?

Bertha said...

I knew you'd be excited! Those cookies sound delicious! Mmm, ganache!

Jenny said...

The macarons look fantastic!

KSee said...

What a fun thing to make! We did it!! First time my vote counted in my adult life! VA is BLUE! Last time was 1964 and I was only 15 and still living in NYC! they say around here is the Redskins loose before an election the Dems will win and it worked!