Thursday, October 16, 2008

Crafting Away

Today was my day off and I spent it running errands, baking and fixing a problem I have wanted to fix for some time. Jenny and I made a pact for the day to motivate us to get some crafting done. Like her I am not in a rut, more just having motivation to get all of my ideas worked through and started at least. ;-D

Here is the bag I worked on today to the left. I realize it doesn't look like much - but it was in desperate need of interface. As you can see to the right is the heavy weight sew in interface I purchased today during my errands. I have never used the sew in kind before - but it is much preferred over the fusible kind that I have used in the past. Here is the original bag to the right. Notice the slouch? It is no more! Beyond sewing I also baked some cupcakes for a get together on Saturday with Jason's classmates. Here they are in their necked glory. They will be frosted after work tomorrow in order to be able to leave asap on Saturday when I get home. Notice the cute pumpkin wrappers?

Last but not least I am about 1/2 inch to 1 inch away from the heel on Jason's 4th pair of socks. This is the second time I have done toe up two at a time and I am still loving it.


Bubblesknits said...

Jason gets cupcakes AND knit socks? I'm so not telling my hubby. LOL

SissySees said...

No kidding. You could start a spoiled hubby trend. I had already planned silly cupcakes for the Knight's birthday though...

Jenny said...

i'm impressed - sewing, baking AND knitting all in one day? :)

i think this pact thing is working out. let's do it again! how about one post per day!!

Jenny said...

i forgot to say the sewing looks good! does the purse really sit up more now?

ugh, did i tell you i showed up at 6am on the WRONG day for work? here's hoping i didn't read the schedule wrong again today. have fun at the party!

andrea said...

What flavor were your cupcakes? I'm so excited cuz I've started baking again. No matter how busy I am, I'm going to fit it in! Two weeks ago I made Pumpkin Sliders.

KSee said...

The bag is lovely.
I joined a local sock club and my first package mailed out on Saturday so I hope to see it today. They sent me a link to the pattern along with a walking tour of DC as we go along. the pattern is toe up. So it will be my first pair. I hope I don't get frustrated.

Unknown said...

Devon!!! Thanks for updating your blog - I missed seeing all your crafty goodness! Why do you like the sew-in interface better? I like the fusible bc it seems easier. Just paste and iron, right? Anyway, just curious.
Glad to see you're settled in!